Receive Notifications on Slack

This article explains how you can setup MineOS to send notifications to a Slack channel of your choice

Step 1: Create a Webhook URL in Slack

  • Go to & Log in to your Slack Workspace.
  • Click on Create New App & Choose "From Scratch"

  • Use "MineOS" as the app name, and select the workspace.

  • Click on Create App
  • Under "Add features & functionality" click Incoming Webhooks

  • Toggle Activate Incoming Webhooks to ON state.

  • Scroll to the bottom and click Add New Webhook to Workspace.


  • When the permissions screen appear you can select the Slack channel to which MineOS should send notifications to. Create a new dedicated channel for notifications from MineOS. We recommend calling it mine-privacyops-not
  • After selecting a channel, click Allow

  • Scroll down to Webhook URLs for Your Workspace section and copy the Webhook URL:

Step 2: Configure notifications on MineOS


  • Open MineOS and go to the integrations settings page (Menu -> Developers -> Integrations).
  • Under Slack integration settings, paste the Webhook URL you just copied:

  • Click "Test your integration" to send a test message to the channel.
  • Click "Enable notifications" and click Save.


That's it! You will now receive important notifications from MineOS right in your Slack channel.