Ayla Networks Integration

Automating your Privacy Requests fulfillment by integrating MineOS to Ayla Networks

This integration allows you to:

  • Automate Copy and Delete requests for Ayla Networks end-users and contacts.
  • For more information on the deletion process, see DSR section below.

Before you start

  • Make sure your MineOS plan supports integrations.
  • Make sure you have the correct information to connect to your Ayla account, with enough permissions inside your OEM.

Setting up

To connect the Ayla Networks integration, follow these steps:

  1. On the left sidebar, click Data Inventory and then Data Sources
  2. Click on Add data source
  3. Select Ayla from the catalog, then enter the Ayla page from your data sources list
  4. In the RequestHandling tab, check the Handle this data source in privacy requests  and choose the Integration handling style.
  5. Go to your Ayla Networks Dashboard: https://dashboard-dev.aylanetworks.com/ 
  6. Click on 'OEM profile' > 'Apps' tab > look for your app.
  7. Get the following info to sign in to your account:
    1. User Email
    2. User Password
    3. Your App ID
    4. Your App Secret
    5. Your Domain
  8. Your Domain can vary based on your Region (US/EU) and Deployment (Dev/Field). So it might look like one of these options:
    1. user-dev.aylanetworks.com
    2. user.aylanetworks.com
    3. user-eu.aylanetworks.com
    4. user-dev-eu.aylanetworks.com
    5. etc...
  9. For more info about the Ayla domain format Read here.
  10. Enter the details in the integration screen:

  1. Click Test and Save to test the credentials

DSR Requests - Process Details

When handling DSR request, MineOS searches for a Contact record in Ayla Networks that has the same email address as the requesting user. MineOS then uses the following APIs as part of the handling process:
  • GET https://{YourDomain}/api/v1/users/contacts.json
  • DELETE https://{YourDomain}/api/v1/users/contacts/{contactId}

MineOS also searches for a EndUser record in Ayla Networks that has the same email address as the requesting user. MineOS then uses the following APIs as part of the handling process:

  • GET https://{YourDomain}/api/v1/users/index_by_role.json?role=EndUser&email={userEmail}
  • DELETE https://{YourDomain}/api/v1/users.json?email={userEmail}

What's next?

Read more about the deletion process using integrations here.

Read more about the get a copy process using integrations here.

Talk to us if you need any help with Integrations via our chat or at portal@saymine.com, and we'll be happy to assist!🙂