Oracle Integration

Integrate with Oracle DB to perform automated content classification and DSR on your data

About the Oracle Integration

What it does: 

  • Performs content scanning of Oracle database to detect and map the types of data stored inside it.
  • Oracle integration will scan all authorized tables for the specific db user specified in the connection string and perform data classification on all accessible tables.

Before setting up this integration:

  • Be sure to add Oracle to your Inventory. To learn how to add systems to your Inventory, click here.
  • Make sure your MineOS plan supports automatic integrations.
  • Make sure your provided DB User for scanning already created as part of Oracle setup.

How to set up

1. Create user in your Oracle database and grant rights according to the tables and schema you want to scan.

Make sure MineOS has access to your Oracle clusters

MineOS IPs should be whitelisted in your network configuration for inbound rules. Connecting via VPN tunneling is also a MineOS available feature if your clusters aren't publicly accessible

MineOS IPs

On MineOS: 

  1. Head to your Data Inventory and select Oracle
  2. Scroll down to the component titled Request handling
  3. Select Integration as the handling style.
  4. Paste your Connection string, and SQL queries for each scenario.
  5.  If successful, click Test & save to enable the integration. 

A connection is considered successful when MineOS connects to the database and runs test query.