Shopify Integration

Automating your privacy request fulfillment by integrating MineOS to Shopify

Important note!

MineOS supports two types of integrations:  Delete & Anonymize. The article below describes setup and usage of both integrations.

Shopify Delete Integration

This integration allows you to automate deletion requests of user data from Shopify.

Fulfilling a user’s deletion request using the Shopify integration deletes the following:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • IP address
  • Credit card number

Getting a copy of a user’s data using the integration includes:

  • Customer data
  • Orders


  • Shopify will not erase personal data if the customer has made an order in the last 6 months (180 days) in case a chargeback occurs.
  • When you request erasure, Shopify will only redact personal information (such as name and address). Your anonymized order information will remain intact in case you need it for accounting purposes.

Shopify Anonymize Integration

This integration allows you to automate deletion requests of user data from Shopify.

The integration will  Anonymize  the following data in the Shopify Customer object:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Notes

Getting a copy of a user’s data using the integration includes:

  • Customer data
  • Orders

Before you start

  • Make sure your MineOS plan supports integrations.
  • Make sure you are the store owner.

Setting up

Note: If you have trouble with any of the steps below, you can read the detailed Shopify guide.

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.

  2. Click Develop apps.

  3. Click Allow custom app development.

  4. Read the warning and information provided, and then click Allow custom app development.

  5. Click Create app and type "MineOS" as the app name:
  6. Open “Configure admin API scopes” and add the following scopes:
    1. Customers: write_customers, read_customers
    2. Draft orders: write_draft_orders, read_draft_orders
    3. Orders: read_orders
  7. Make sure your scopes are configured exactly like this screenshot:
  8. Click Save.
  9. Open "API Credentials" and click Install app.
  10. Reveal the admin API access token and copy it (you will paste it in MineOS).
  11. Set up automatic order archiving (for more information see here: This step is required in order to allow completed orders to be deleted.


Configuring MineOS

  1. Login to your MineOS account.
  2. Go to “Data Inventory” -> "Data Sources" and search for “Shopify"
  3. Enable "Handle this data source in privacy requests" and click "Integration" as the handling style.
  4. Select the "Shopify Delete" integration type.
  5. Paste the admin API access token.
  6. Type in your Shopify store URL (example: https://{ShopName}
  7. ClickTest your integration” and click “Save.

That’s it! MineOS is now connected to your Shopify account. You can now quickly delete your customers’ data from Shopify.

Tip💡If the integration didn’t succeed, make sure the API Scopes and shop URL are correct.

Note: Once a request for erasure has been sent, a 10 day buffer period will commence until the erasure takes place. During this period the request can be canceled. To cancel a pending request, contact Shopify Support with your store information and relevant customer ID.

What’s next?

Read more about the deletion process using integrations here.

Read more about the get a copy process using integrations here.


Talk to us if you need any help with Integrations via our chat or at, and we’ll be happy to assist!🙂