Email Evidence by Mine

Quickly verify and validate your Data Subjects and their requests using evidence from the Mine app.

About Email Evidence by Mine

To help verify and validate requests, the Mine application's Email Evidence technology identifies subjects, determines the type of relevant data interaction, and locates the systems from which to delete or copy data from.

  • Each request includes the last three emails that initiated the relationship with the subject (i.e., signup, purchase, product updates, etc.)
  • The subject lines of these email interactions
  • The date of these email interactions
  • The email address in your organization that sent the emails to data subjects
  • The "Reply to:" email address (if any)

Note: Email Evidence is available for all requests generated from subjects that have used the Mine app to send you their privacy requests. This is our consumer-facing application that can be used to find and petition vendors that hold consumers' data.

Before using Email Evidence: 





To get started, head to your Requests page.








Next, select a request with "Mine App" as its source.

From the ticket page, click "Search for evidence" while in the Review stage.

The ticket page will automatically update with the discovered Email Evidence.

Next steps

If you have questions about the Email evidence by Mine, write us at, and we'll be happy to help! 🙂